libmatthew-java (0.8.1-3)
OK: VCS matches the version in the archive
- Git:
- Branch: master
- Path: debian/changelog
- Repo size: 139264
- Browser:
- Last scan: 2024-10-03 10:38:08+00
- Next scan: 2024-10-11 12:37:00+00
- Merge requests: 2
- Debian changelog in Git:
libmatthew-java (0.8.1-3) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Vladimir Petko ]
* debian/rules: use java_compat_level variable provided by java-common to
adjust --release level to the minimum required by the
default Java (Closes: #1052581).
(Closes: #1069496)
[ Thorsten Alteholz ]
* debian/control: bump standard to 4.7.0 (no changes)
-- Thorsten Alteholz <> Sun, 21 Apr 2024 12:42:46 +0200
- This branch is even with tag debian/0.8.1-3