mod-dnssd (0.6-5)
OK: VCS matches the version in the archive
- Git:
- Branch: debian/main
- Path: debian/changelog
- Repo size: 126976
- Browser:
- Last scan: 2024-11-10 05:08:07+00
- Next scan: 2024-11-16 01:32:00+00
- Debian changelog in Git:
mod-dnssd (0.6-5) unstable; urgency=medium
* QA upload.
* add gbp.conf
* add Vcs fields to debian/control
* Use wrap-and-sort -satb for debian control files
* Trim trailing whitespace.
* Use secure copyright file specification URI.
* Use secure URI in Homepage field.
* update to debhelper-compat=12
* update debian/watch
-- Christoph Martin <> Wed, 08 May 2024 18:59:28 +0200
- This branch is even with tag debian/0.6-5