mpg321 (0.3.2-4)
OK: VCS matches the version in the archive
- Git:
- Branch: master
- Path: debian/changelog
- Repo size: 106496
- Browser:
- Last scan: 2025-03-26 23:46:06+00
- Next scan: 2025-04-02 09:41:00+00
- CI pipeline status: success
- Debian changelog in Git:
mpg321 (0.3.2-4) unstable; urgency=medium
* Team upload.
Closes: #1086803
* Maintain package in Debian Multimedia team
* Review d/copyright
* Standards-Version: 4.7.0 (routine-update)
* debhelper-compat 13 (routine-update)
* Secure URI in copyright format (routine-update)
* Remove trailing whitespace in debian/changelog (routine-update)
* Remove trailing whitespace in debian/control (routine-update)
* Remove trailing whitespace in debian/copyright (routine-update)
* Remove trailing whitespace in debian/rules (routine-update)
* Rules-Requires-Root: no (routine-update)
* Trim trailing whitespace.
* Use versioned copyright format URI.
* Use secure URI in Homepage field.
* Fix day-of-week for changelog entry 0.2.11-1.
* watch file standard 4 (routine-update)
* Short dh
* Fix ftbfs with GCC-14
Closes: #1075291
* Secure URI in watch file
* "CPU uses to be reduced" is solved in version 0.3.x
Closes: #687847
* Enable hardening options
[ Helmut Grohne ]
* Fix FTCBFS: (Closes: #864499)
+ Let dh_auto_configure pass --host flag.
+ Deconfuse build/host.
[ Kevin Ryde ]
* Add mailcap entries
Closes: #728048
[ наб ]
* Note that the manual's Basic keys require -K in situ (Closes: #712832)
-- наб <> Tue, 26 Nov 2024 11:38:44 +0100
- This branch is even with tag debian/0.3.2-4