netstress (1.2.0-11)
OK: VCS matches the version in the archive
- Git:
- Branch: debian/master
- Path: debian/changelog
- Repo size: 98304
- Browser:
- Last scan: 2024-12-07 10:21:01+00
- Next scan: 2024-12-14 23:10:00+00
- CI pipeline status: success
- Debian changelog in Git:
netstress (1.2.0-11) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Joao Eriberto Mota Filho ]
* debian/copyright: updated packaging copyright years.
* debian/patches/: added Forwarded field to patches 010 and 020.
[ Debian Janitor ]
* Update lintian override info format in d/source/lintian-overrides on line 3.
* Update standards version to 4.6.2, no changes needed.
-- Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <> Wed, 18 Jan 2023 12:27:20 -0300
- This branch is even with tag debian/1.2.0-11