ruby-pathutil (0.16.1-2.1)
OLD: VCS is behind the version in the archive: 0.16.1-2 < 0.16.1-2.1.
- Git:
- Branch: master
- Path: debian/changelog
- Repo size: 98304
- Browser:
- Last scan: 2025-01-28 08:58:05+00
- Next scan: 2025-02-03 09:14:00+00
- CI pipeline status: success
- Debian changelog in Git:
ruby-pathutil (0.16.1-2) experimental; urgency=medium
* Team upload.
[ Utkarsh Gupta ]
* Add salsa-ci.yml
[ Debian Janitor ]
* Use secure URI in debian/watch.
* Bump debhelper from old 11 to 12.
* Set debhelper-compat version in Build-Depends.
* Update Vcs-* headers from URL redirect.
* Use canonical URL in Vcs-Git.
* Update watch file format version to 4.
* Remove constraints unnecessary since stretch:
+ Build-Depends: Drop versioned constraint on ruby-forwardable-extended.
* Remove constraints unnecessary since buster:
+ ruby-pathutil: Drop versioned constraint on ruby-forwardable-extended in
[ HIGUCHI Daisuke (VDR dai) ]
* fix not Ruby 3.0 compatible due to kwargs issues (Closes: #1001022)
* eliminate lintian warning: ruby-interpreter-is-deprecated
* eliminate lintian warning: update-debian-copyright
* use gemwatch instead of alioth.
* set Rules-Requires-Root as no.
* Bump Standard Version: 4.6.1
* Bump debhelper from old 12 to 13.
-- HIGUCHI Daisuke (VDR dai) <> Tue, 16 Aug 2022 12:14:20 +0900
- This branch is even with tag debian/0.16.1-2