uzbek-wordlist (0.6-7)
OK: VCS matches the version in the archive
- Git:
- Branch: master
- Path: debian/changelog
- Repo size: 77824
- Browser:
- Last scan: 2025-02-04 02:26:14+00
- Next scan: 2025-02-12 03:00:00+00
- Debian changelog in Git:
uzbek-wordlist (0.6-7) unstable; urgency=medium
* QA upload.
* Add debian/clean to remove the generated binary .bdic dictionary.
* Add debian/upstream/metadata.
* Remove obsolete debian/
* Remove unneeded debian/hunspell-uz.dirs.
* debian/control:
- Bump Standards-Version to 4.6.2 (no changes).
- Build-Depends on convert-bdic to enable building of the binary .bdic
- Add missing fields.
- Cleanup layout.
* debian/install: Install the binary .bdic dictionary. (Closes: #1020465)
* debian/lintian-overrides: Add file to override a lintian wrong-section
false positive.
* debian/rules: Build the binary .bdic dictionary.
* debian/watch: Update to point to the new GitHub repository. Note that
there are currently no tags and no releases on GitHub, but at least the
files are there (the old location is offline).
-- Soren Stoutner <> Thu, 18 Jan 2024 20:03:30 -0700
- This branch is even with tag debian/0.6-7