xrdp (0.10.1-3)
OLD: VCS is behind the version in the archive: 0.10.0-2 < 0.10.1-3.
- Git: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-remote-team/xrdp.git
- Branch: master
- Path: debian/changelog
- Repo size: 2097152
- Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/debian-remote-team/xrdp
- Last scan: 2024-10-03 20:33:07+00
- Next scan: 2024-10-09 01:35:00+00
- Merge requests: 2
- Debian changelog in Git:
xrdp (0.10.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium
* Upload to unstable.
* d/control: update Homepage field to https://.
* Cherry pick dvorak fix from upstream. (Closes: #1071556)
* d/README.Debian: add link for settings.
* Applied patch for d/watch and signature key. (Closes: #1043488)
-- Alex Myczko <tar@debian.org> Mon, 22 Jul 2024 16:24:24 +0000
- This branch is even with tag debian/0.10.0-2