Packages overview for Sean Whitton

Sean Whitton <> — Bugs: open - RC - all - submitted - usertags - WNPP - Graph — Reports: Dashboard - Buildd - Lintian - Debtags - Piuparts - Janitor - Contributions - Repology - Portfolio
Sean Whitton <> — Bugs: open - RC - all - submitted - usertags - WNPP - Graph — Reports: Dashboard - Buildd - Lintian - Debtags - Piuparts - Janitor - Contributions - Repology - Portfolio

main (89)

Source Package Description Version Popcon
oldstable stable testing unstable exp
agnostic-lizard[U] best-effort portable code walker for Common Lisp - 0~git20201010.1.fe3a737-2 - 19
bongo[U] buffer-oriented media player for GNU Emacs 1.1-2 1.1-4 1.1-6 - 18
bordeaux-threads[U] Portable threads library for Common Lisp 0.8.8-4 0.8.8-5 0.9.4-1 - 89
cffi[U] Common Foreign Function Interface for Common Lisp 1:0.23.0-1 1:0.24.1-3 - 113
cl-alexandria[U] collection of portable Common Lisp utilities 20200821.gitf35e232-1 20211025.gita67c3a6-1 20240125.git8514d8e-1 - 197
cl-anaphora[U] Common Lisp Anaphoric Macro Collection 20190828.git018590d-1 1:0.9.8-1 - 49
cl-heredoc[U] reader macro for heredocs in Common Lisp - 0.1.0~git20210329.a8c8a35+ds1-1 - 21
cl-interpol[U] String interpolation for Common Lisp 20201106.git70a1137-1 20220725.gitd4f49d4-1 - 46
cl-ironclad[U] cryptographic toolkit written in Common Lisp 0.54-1 0.57-3 0.61-4 - 47
cl-plus-ssl[U] Common Lisp interface to OpenSSL 20200609.gitff4634a-1 20220328.git8b91648-4 20220328.git8b91648-6 - 46
cl-postmodern[U] Common Lisp library for interacting with PostgreSQL databases 20180430-2 20211113.git9d4332f-3 20211113.git9d4332f-5 - 28
consfigurator Lisp declarative configuration management system - 1.2.3-1 1.4.4-1 - 17
cycle-quotes[U][O] Emacs command to cycle between quotation marks 0.1-4 - 0.1-6 - 11
dash-el[U] modern list manipulation library for Emacs 2.17.0+dfsg-1 2.19.1+git20220608.1.0ac1ecf+dfsg-1 2.19.1+git20240510.1de9dcb+dfsg-1 - 1900
dash-functional-el[U] 1.2.0+dfsg-7 - 58
debian-policy avatardebian-policy[U] Debian Policy Manual and related documents - 3074
debpaste-el[U][O] client for Emacs 0.1.5-4 0.1.5-6 - 35
debug-me secure remote debugging 1.20200820-1 1.20220324-1 1.20221231-2.1 - 8
dgit[U] git interoperability with the Debian archive 9.13 10.7+deb12u2
12.6 - 308
dh-elpa[U] Debian helper tools for packaging emacs lisp extensions 2.0.8 2.0.16 2.1.5 - 5760
emacs avataremacs[U] GNU Emacs editor (metapackage) 1:27.1+1-3.1+deb11u5 1:28.2+1-15+deb12u3
1:29.4+1-6 - 16497
emacs-db[U] database interface for Emacs Lisp 0.0.6+git20140421.b3a423f-3 0.0.6+git20140421.b3a423f-4 - 24
emacs-haskell-tab-indent tab-based indentation for haskell-mode 0.3-3 0.3-4 - 25
emacs-helm-ag[U][O] Silver Searcher integration with Emacs Helm 0.59-1 0.59-2 - 0.59-3 - 31
emacs-kv[U] key/value data structure functions for Emacs Lisp 0.0.19+git20140108.7211484-4 0.0.19+git20140108.7211484-6 - 27
emacs-noflet[U][O] Emacs Lisp noflet macro for dynamic, local advice 0.0.15-5 0.0.15-6 - 17
emacs-openwith[U][O] seamlessly open files in external programs with Emacs 0.8g-5 0.8g-6 - 35
emacs-orgalist[U] Manage Org-like lists in non-Org Emacs buffers 1.12-2 1.12-3 - 31
emacs-pg-el[U][ITA][RFS] Emacs Lisp interface for PostgreSQL 0.13+git.20130731.456516ec-2 0.13+git.20130731.456516ec-3 - 47
emacs-svg-lib[U] SVG tags, progress bars & icons for Emacs - 0.2.5+ds-2 0.2.5+ds-3 - 36
emacs-uuid[U] UUID/GUID library for Emacs Lisp 0.0.3~git20120910.1519bfe-3 0.0.3~git20120910.1519bfe-4 - 31
emacs-world-time-mode[U][O] Emacs mode to compare timezones throughout the day 0.0.6-4 0.0.6-5 - 26
emacsql-sqlite3[U] 1.0.2-1 1.0.2+git20220304.1.2113618-1 - 42
ement-el[U] Matrix client for Emacs - 0.6-1 0.16-1 - 29
epl[U][O] Emacs Package Library 0.9-3 0.9-6 0.9-7 - 398
ert-async-el[U] asynchronous tests for the Emacs ERT testing framework 0.1.2-5 0.1.2-6 - 13
esxml[U] XML, ESXML and SXML library for Emacs Lisp 0.3.5-1 0.3.7-1 0.3.7-2 - 82
f-el[U] modern API for working with files and directories in Emacs Lisp 0.20.0-3 0.21.0-1 - 272
flx[U][O] sorting algorithm for fuzzy matching in Emacs 0.6.1-5 0.6.1-6 - 62
git-annex avatargit-annex[U] manage files with git, without checking their contents into git 8.20210223-2 10.20230126-3
10.20241202-1 - 873
git-annex-el[U] Emacs integration for git-annex 1.1-4 1.1-5 - 48
git-remote-gcrypt encrypted git repositories 1.4-1 1.5-1 - 840
git-repair repair various forms of damage to git repositories 1.20200102-2 1.20230814-1 - 299
haskell-argon2[U] Haskell bindings to the Argon2 password-hashing function - - 3
haskell-raaz[U] cryptographic networking library for Haskell 0.2.1-2 0.2.1-2.1 - 0.2.1-2.1 - 3
haskell-readline[U] Haskell bindings to GNU readline library - - 8
helm[U][O] Emacs Helm library files 3.7.0-2 3.8.4-1 3.8.4-2 - 1751
helm-org[U][O] Emacs Helm for Org-mode headlines and keywords completion 1.0-2 1.0-3 - 51
helm-projectile[U][O] Helm integration for Projectile 0.14.0-6 0.14.0-7 - 38
key-chord-el[U][O] map pairs of simultaneously pressed keys to commands 0.6-5 0.6-6 0.6-7 - 42
libapi-gitforge-perl[U] generic interface to APIs of sites like GitHub, GitLab etc. - 0.007-1 - 4
libgit-annex-perl[U] Perl interface to git-annex repositories 0.007-1 0.008-1 - 4
libiterator-simple-perl[U] simple iterators and utilities 0.07-2 0.07-3 - 8
magit-annex[U][O] git-annex subcommands for magit 1.7.1+git20200427.01.ef5dce62-1 1.8.1-1 1.8.1-2 - 52
mailscripts collection of scripts for manipulating e-mail on Debian 0.23-1 28-1 30-1 - 85
message-templ[U] templates for Emacs message-mode 0.3.20161104-3 0.3.20161104-4 - 29
nov-el[U] featureful EPUB (ebook) reader mode for Emacs 0.3.0-1 0.4.0-1 0.4.0-2 - 75
org-contrib[U] additional Emacs Lisp libraries for Org-mode - 0.4+git20220927.1.6422b26-1 0.6-1 - 120
org-d20 Emacs minor mode for d20 tabletop roleplaying games - 0.5-1 0.6-1 - 18
org-make-toc[U] Automatic tables of contents for Org files - 0.5-2 0.5-3 - 21
osicat[U] lightweight operating system interface for Common Lisp on POSIX-like systems - 0.7.0+git20220117.a45eb3b-1 - 20
pandoc-citeproc-preamble insert a preamble before Pandoc's bibliography 1.6-1 1.7-1 1.7-2 - 77
papersway PaperWM-like scollable tiling window management for Sway/i3wm - 1.004-1 - 21
paredit-el[U] Emacs minor mode for structurally editing Lisp code 24-5 26-1 26-2 - 137
paredit-everywhere[U][O] cut-down version of paredit for non-lisp buffers 0.4-4 0.4git10-1 0.4git10-2 - 38
persp-projectile[U][ITA] integrate perspective.el with projectile - 1:1.0.0+git20210618.4e374d7-2 - 4
perspective-el[U][O] tagged workspaces in Emacs 2.2-3 2.2-4 - 31
pkg-info-el[U][O] provide information about Emacs packages 0.6-6 0.6-7 - 389
plz-el[U] HTTP library for Emacs - 0.2+dfsg-2 0.9+dfsg-2 - 31
pointback[U] 0.2-4 - 16
popup-el[U][O] visual popup user interface library for Emacs 0.5.8-1 0.5.8-2 - 1841
project-el[U] Emacs library for operations on the current project 0.5.2-2 0.8.1-1 0.10.0-2 - 75
redtick[U] tiny pomodoro timer for Emacs 00.01.02+git20170220.e6d2e9b+dfsg-4 00.01.02+git20170220.e6d2e9b+dfsg-5 - 29
s-el[U] string manipulation library for Emacs 1.12.0-4 1.12.0-5 1.13.0-2 - 468
sbcl[U][RFH] Common Lisp compiler and development system 2:2.1.1-2 2:2.2.9-1 2:2.5.0-1 - 1338
seq-el[U] sequence manipulation functions for Emacs Lisp 2.22-1 2.23-1 2.24-2 - 650
sesman[U][O] session manager for Emacs IDEs 0.3.4-2 0.3.4-3 - 23
shut-up[U] Emacs Lisp macros to quieten Emacs 0.3.3-1 0.3.3-4 0.3.3-5 - 21
stylish-haskell[U] Haskell code prettifier - - 47
taxy-el[U] Emacs programmable taxonomical grouping for arbitrary objects - 0.10+dfsg-1 0.10.2+dfsg-1 - 32
taxy-magit-section-el[U] View Emacs Taxy structs in a Magit Section buffer - 0.12.1-1 0.13-2 - 30
trivial-gray-streams[U] thin compatibility layer for Common Lisp gray streams 20200731.git8e6a1a0-1 20210117.git2b3823e-1 20240217.gita7ead68-1 - 214
trivial-macroexpand-all[U] macroexpand-all function which calls implementation-specific equivalent - 0~git20171020.933270a-2 - 5
userv-utils* privsep utilities collection - 0.6.1-2 - 8
visual-regexp-el[U] in-buffer visual feedback while using Emacs regexps 1.1.2-2 1.1.2-3 - 48
volume-el[U] tweak your sound card volume from Emacs 1.0+git.20201002.afb75a5-3 1.0+git.20201002.afb75a5-4 - 20
ws-butler[U] unobtrusively remove trailing whitespace in Emacs 0.6-4 0.7-1 - 53
xref-el[U] Library for cross-referencing commands in Emacs 1.0.2-2 1.6.0-1 1.7.0-2 - 81
zxcvbn-c password strength estimation library - development files 2.4+dfsg-2 2.5+dfsg-1 2.5+dfsg-2 - 18535

non-free (1)

Source Package Description Version Popcon
oldstable stable testing unstable exp
emacs-non-dfsg[U] GNU Emacs common non-DFSG items, including the core documentation 1:27.1+1-2 1:28.2+1-2 1:29.4+1-1 - 843

Non-maintainer uploads (1)

Source Package Description Version Popcon
oldstable stable testing unstable exp
libsoup2.4* HTTP library implementation in C -- Development files 2.72.0-2
2.74.3-1+deb12u1 2.74.3-8.1 - 91501

QA uploads (6)

Source Package Description Version Popcon
oldstable stable testing unstable exp
aggressive-indent-mode[O] Emacs minor mode that reindents code after every change 1.9.0-3 1.10.0+git20230112.1.a437a45-1 - 36
cider[O] Clojure IDE for Emacs - documentation 0.19.0+dfsg-2.1 - 0.19.0+dfsg-4 - 3
deft[O] Emacs mode to browse, filter, and edit plain text notes 0.8-3 0.8-5 - 31
emacs-lsp-haskell*[O] Haskell support for lsp-mode 1.0.20201011-1 1.0.20211214-1 1.0.20211214-3 27
evil-el[O] extensible vi layer for Emacs 1.14.0-1 1.14.2-1 1.14.2-3 - 64
markdown-toc-el[O] Emacs TOC (table of contents) generator for markdown files 0.1.5-1 0.1.5-2 - 0.1.5-4 - 96

Sponsored/other uploads (218)

Source Package Description Version Popcon
oldstable stable testing unstable exp
a-el* functions for dealing with associative structures - 1.0.0-2 1.0.0-4 - 46
ace-link* selecting a link to jump to 0.5.0-3 0.5.0-5 - 27
ace-popup-menu* replace GUI popup menu with something more efficient 0.2.1-3 0.2.1-5 - 24
ace-window* selecting a window to switch to 0.10.0-1 0.10.0-3 - 112
adaptive-wrap* smart line-wrapping with wrap-prefix 0.8-1 0.8-3 0.8-5 - 27
apiwrap-el* api-wrapping macros 0.5-4 0.5-6 - 44
assess-el* test support functions for Emacs 0.6-1 0.6+git20231120.2399936-3 - 13
atomic-chrome-el* edit a web-browser text entry area with Emacs 2.0.0-2 2.0.0-4 2.0.0-6 - 38
autothemer-el* Emacs library that makes theme creation more convenient - 0.2.17-4 - 5
avy* jump to things in Emacs tree-style 0.5.0-2 0.5.0-4 - 157
avy-menu* library providing avy-powered popup menu 0.1.1-3 0.1.1-5 - 34
bar-cursor-el switch Emacs block cursor to a bar 2.0-1.1 2.0-2 - 1704
bbdb* The Insidious Big Brother Database (email rolodex) for Emacs 3.0.1 3.0.3 - 149
beacon* highlight the cursor whenever the window scrolls 1.3.3-3 1.3.4-1 1.3.4-3 - 33
beginend-el* redefine M-< and M-> for some modes to get to meaningful locations 2.2.0-1 2.4.0-1 2.4.0-3 - 27
bison-mode* Emacs major mode for editing lex, yacc, and bison grammars - 0.3-4 - 38
bm-el* visual bookmarks for GNU Emacs 201905-2 201905-3 202309-4 - 1701
boxquote-el* quote text in Emacs with a semi-box 2.2-1 2.3-3 - 1710
bpftrace-mode* simple major mode for bpftrace scripts - 0.1.0+git20190608.587b39ea-4 - 34
browse-kill-ring-el* interactively insert items from kill-ring 2.0.0-3 2.0.0-5 - 1715
bui-el* Emacs Buffer interface library - 1.2.1-2 1.2.1-4 - 38
c-sig* Transition package, c-sig to elpa-c-sig 3.8-24 3.8-26 - 26
char-menu-el* create your own menu for fast insertion of arbitrary symbols 0.1.1-3 0.1.1-5 - 24
circe* client for IRC in Emacs 2.11-2 2.13-3 - 38
citar* Act on bibliographic references from Emacs - 1.1+dfsg-1 1.4+dfsg-3 - 23
cl-named-readtables* Common Lisp library that creates namespaces for named readtables 20201221.gitc5689a4-1 20230828.git455fbaa-3 - 49
cl-portable-aserve* Portable Aserve 20190720.gitcac1d69+dfsg-1 20190720.gitcac1d69+dfsg-4 20190720.gitcac1d69+dfsg-6 - 18
color-theme-modern* deftheme reimplementation of classic Emacs color-themes 0.0.3-1 0.0.3-3 0.0.3-5 - 1652
crdt-el* collaborative editing environment for Emacs - 0.0~20210526-3 0.3.5-4 - 13
darcsum* Transition package, darcsum to elpa-darcsum 1.10+20120116-4 1.10+20120116-6 - 17
delight* Emacs utility to customise the mode line - 1.7-4 - 5
devscripts-el* Transition package, devscripts-el to elpa-devscripts 40.5 40.7 - 231
dh-make-elpa*[RFH] helper for creating Debian packages from ELPA packages 0.19.1 0.19.5 - 41
diffview-el* view diffs in side-by-side format 1.0-3 1.0-5 - 44
diminish-el* hiding or abbreviation of the mode line displays of minor-modes 0.45-4 0.45-6 - 1770
dimmer-el* visually highlight the selected buffer 0.4.2+repack-2 0.4.2+repack20220817.a5b6975-1 0.4.2+repack20220817.a5b6975-3 - 23
dired-du* dired with recursive directory sizes 0.5.2-2 0.5.2-5 - 31
dired-rsync* support for rsync from Emacs dired buffers 0.6-1 0.7-3 - 43
dockerfile-mode* Major mode for editing Docker's Dockerfiles 1.2-2 1.8-1 1.9-3 - 126
dumb-jump-el* jump to definition for multiple languages without configuration 0.5.3-1 0.5.4-2 0.5.4-5 - 31
eglot* Emacs client for Language Server Protocol servers - 1.9-2 1.15-3 - 64
el-x* Emacs Lisp extensions 0.3.1-4 0.3.1-6 - 20
elenv* Emacs Lisp Environment Detection Library - 0.1.0+git20231211.94cf71e-3 - 2
elisp-bug-hunter* automatically debug and bisect your init.el or .emacs file 1.3.1+repack-5 1.3.1+repack-6 1.3.1+repack-9 - 35
elisp-refs* find callers of elisp functions or macros 1.3-3 1.4-1 1.5-3 - 51
elpa-darkroom* remove visual distractions and focus on writing - 0.3-2 0.3-4 - 20
elpa-snakemake* Run Snakemake workflows from Emacs - 2.0.0-3 2.0.0+git20231210.4ad41da-3 - 14
elpa-undo-tree* Emacs minor mode for handling undo history as tree 0.7.4-1 0.8.1-1 0.8.1-3 - 75
elpher* friendly gopher and gemini client 2.10.2-2 3.6.3~git20240930.c00f2a8-1 - 44
elscreen* Transition package, elscreen to elpa-elscreen 1.4.6-5.3 1.4.6-9 1.4.6-11 - 32
emacs-bash-completion* add programmable bash completion to Emacs shell-mode - 3.1.0-2 3.1.0-4 - 43
emacs-bind-map* bind personal keymaps in multiple locations 1.1.1-5 1.1.1-7 - 19
emacs-cfrs* Child-frame based read-string for Emacs - 1.6.0-4 - 35
emacs-corfu-terminal* Corfu popup on terminal - 0.7-4 - 3
emacs-ctable* table component for Emacs Lisp 0.1.2-6 0.1.2-7 - 59
emacs-deferred* simple asynchronous functions for Emacs Lisp 0.5.1-4 0.5.1-5 0.5.1-6 - 120
emacs-desktop-notification-center* Emacs Desktop Notification Center - 0.1+git20210326.537e2e1-2 0.1+git20210326.537e2e1-3 - 20
emacs-discomfort* UDisks2 UI for Emacs, to mount & unmount disks - 0.0+git5258564-2 0.0+git5258564-3 - 21
emacs-doom-themes* opinionated pack of modern Emacs color-themes - 2.3.0-1 2.3.0-2 - 41
emacs-epc* RPC stack for Emacs Lisp 0.1.1-6 0.1.1-7 - 54
emacs-format-all-the-code* Auto-format C, C++, JS, Python, Ruby and 50 other languages - 0.6.0-2 - 18
emacs-fossil* Emacs VC backend for the Fossil Version Control system 2020.09.20-4 2022.07.07-1 2023.05.04-2 - 23
emacs-git-messenger* pop up last commit information of current line 0.18-5 0.18-6 - 37
emacs-goodies-el* Miscellaneous add-ons for Emacs 42.3 42.4 42.5 - 1840
emacs-highlight-indentation* highlight the indentation level in Emacs buffers 0.7.0-5 0.7.0-6 - 108
emacs-ivy* generic completion mechanism for Emacs 0.13.0-1 0.13.4+78.gb8be491-1 0.14.2-2 - 106
emacs-jabber* Jabber client for Emacsen 0.8.92+git98dc8e-6 0.8.9999.git1569-1 0.8.9999.git1569-2 - 46
emacs-language-id* Library to work with programming language identifiers - 0.20-2 - 18
emacs-lsp-ui* UI modules for lsp-mode 7.0.1-1 8.0.0-1 9.0.0-3 - 68
emacs-memoize* memoization functions 1.1-2.1 1.1-3 - 25
emacs-neotree*[ITA] directory tree sidebar for Emacs that is like NERDTree for Vim 0.5.2-3 0.5.2-4 0.5.2-5 - 31
emacs-pass-mode* major mode for password-store - 2.0-2 2.0-3 - 22
emacs-pdf-tools* Display and interact with pdf in Emacs 1.0~20200512-2 1.0.0-1 1.1.0-3 - 163
emacs-popon* Pop floating text on an Emacs window - 0.13-3 - 3
emacs-powerline* Emacs version of the Vim powerline 2.4-4 2.4-5 - 73
emacs-python-environment* virtualenv API for Emacs Lisp 0.0.2-6 0.0.2-7 - 66
emacs-request* Compatibility layer for URL request in Emacs - 0.3.3-2 0.3.3-3 - 53
emacs-session* use variables, registers and buffer places across sessions 2.4b-3 2.4b-4 - 1705
emacs-smeargle* highlight region by last updated time 0.03-5 0.03-6 - 25
emacs-tablist* tablist adds maks and filters to tabulated-list-mode 1.0-2 1.0-3 - 151
emacs-web-server* pure elisp HTTP server 1.5.1-4 1.5.1-5 1.5.1+git20231209.44fd82f-2 - 21
emacs-websocket* Emacs WebSocket client and server 1.13-1 1.13-3 1.15-2 - 47
emacs-wgrep* edit multiple Emacs buffers using a master grep pattern buffer 2.3.2+9.gf0ef9bf-2 3.0.0-1 3.0.0+20.g208b9d0-2 - 43
emacs-which-key* display available keybindings in popup 3.5.1-1 3.6.0-1 3.6.0-2 - 95
embark* Emacs Mini-Buffer Actions Rooted in Keymaps - 0.21-1 1.1-2 - 43
engine-mode* define and query search engines from within Emacs 2.1.1-1 2.2.1-1 2.2.4-2 - 29
eproject-el* assign files to Emacs projects, programmatically 1.5+git20180312.068218d-3 1.5+git20180312.068218d-4 1.5+git20180312.068218d-5 - 1697
erc* Powerful, modular, and extensible IRC client for Emacs - 5.5+dfsg-3 - 3
ert-expectations-el* very simple unit test framework for Emacs Lisp 0.2-4 0.2-5 - 13
esh-help-el* add some help functions and support for Eshell 1.0.1-2.1 1.0.1-3 - 26
eshell-bookmark* integrate bookmarks with Eshell 2.0.0-2.1 2.0.0-3 - 16
eshell-git-prompt* Eshell prompt themes for Git users 0.1.2-4 0.1.3-1 0.1.3-2 - 29
eshell-prompt-extras* display extra information in your Eshell prompt 1.0-1 1.1-2 - 27
eshell-up* quickly go to a specific parent directory in eshell 0.0.3-5 0.0.4-2 - 21
eshell-z* cd to frequent directory in eshell 0.4-3 0.4-4 - 19
ess*[O] Emacs mode for statistical programming and data analysis 18.10.2-2 18.10.2+git20220915.f45542e-3 24.01.1-4 - 497
esup-el* Emacs StartUp Profiler 0.7.1-3 0.7.1-4 0.7.1+git20220203.4b49c8d-2 - 19
exec-path-from-shell-el* get environment variables such as $PATH from the shell 1.12-2 2.2-3 - 21
expand-region-el* Transition package, expand-region-el to elpa-expand-region 0.11.0+36-1 1.0.0-2 - 49
exwm-mff* mouse-follows-focus for EXWM - 1.2.1-2 1.2.1-3 - 18
eyebrowse-el* simple-minded way of managing window configs in Emacs 0.7.8-2 0.7.8-3 - 21
faceup* Regression test system for font-lock 0.0.4-5 0.0.4-6 0.0.4-7 - 15
fill-column-indicator* graphically indicate the fill column 1.90-2.1 1.90-3 - 50
flycheck* modern on-the-fly syntax checking for Emacs 32~git.20200527.9c435db3-2 32~git.20200527.9c435db3-4 34.1-2 - 359
flycheck-package* flycheck checker for Elisp package authors 0.13-1 0.14-1 0.14-2 - 26
folding-mode-el* folding-editor minor mode for Emacs 0+20200825.748-1 0.0~git20220110.1ce338b-1 0.0~git20240308.b27c4a1-2 - 1709
fountain-mode* Emacs major mode for screenwriting in Fountain markup 2.8.5-1 3.6.0-1 3.7.1-2 - 55
fsm-el* state machine library 0.2.1-4 0.2.1-5 - 48
geiser*[ITA][RFS] Transition Package, geiser to elpa-geiser 0.10-1 0.10-2 - 62
ggtags* improved Emacs interface to GNU GLOBAL 0.8.13-2 0.9.0~git20220511.40635a1-1 0.9.0~git20220511.40635a1-2 - 34
ghub-plus-el* thick GitHub API client built on ghub 0.3-6 0.3-7 - 42
git-auto-commit-mode* Emacs Minor mode to automatically commit and push with git 4.7.0-2 4.7.0-3 - 20
git-timemachine* walk through git revisions of a file 4.11-1 4.13-2 - 78
gnuplot-mode* Transition Package, gnuplot-mode to elpa-gnuplot-mode 1:0.7.0-2014-12-31-2 1:0.8.0+git20230101.1.b57caf8-1 1:0.8.1+git20230727.1.4c6b18f-2 - 510
golden-ratio-el* automatic resizing of Emacs windows to the golden ratio 1.0-6 1.0-7 - 23
graphql-el* GraphQL utilities 0.1.1-5 0.1.1-6 - 162
graphviz-dot-mode* Emacs mode for the dot-language used by graphviz 0.4.2-2 0.4.2+git20230325.8ff793b-2 - 1764
haskell-mode* major mode for editing Haskell in Emacs 17.2-3 17.2-5 17.5-2 - 607
highlight-numbers-el* highlight numbers in source code 0.2.3-6 0.2.3-7 - 33
ht-el* hash table library for Emacs 2.3-1 2.3-2 2.3-3 - 182
hungry-delete-el* enable hungry deletion in all modes 1.1.5-7 1.1.7+git20210409.1.d919e55-2 - 19
hydra-el* make Emacs bindings that stick around 0.15.0-3 0.15.0-4 - 211
ibuffer-projectile* group buffers in ibuffer list by Projectile project 0.3-1 0.4-2 - 26
ibuffer-vc* group ibuffer list by VC project and show VC status 0.11-1 0.12-2 - 34
ido-ubiquitous* completing-read-function using ido 4.13-2 4.14-1 4.14-2 - 25
ido-vertical-mode* make ido-mode display vertically 0.1.6-5 0.1.6-6 - 21
iedit* edit multiple regions in the same way simultaneously - 40
imenu-list* show the current Emacs buffer's imenu entries in a separate window 0.8-3 0.9-1 0.9-2 - 91
inheritenv* Make temp buffers inherit buffer-local environment variables - 0.2-4 - 19
initsplit-el* code to split customizations into different files 1.8+3+gc941d43-3 1.8+3+gc941d43-4 - 1699
jinja2-mode* Emacs major mode for editing jinja2 code 0.2+git20200624.159558e-1 0.2+git20200624.159558e-2 - 97
kotlin-mode* Emacs major mode for kotlin - 0.0~git20230123.fddd747-2 0.0~git20230123.fddd747-3 - 58
ledger-mode* command-line double-entry accounting program (emacs interface) 3.1.2~pre3+g5067e408-2 4.0.0-1 4.0.0-2 - 70
let-alist* let-bind values of an assoc-list by their names in Emacs Lisp 1.0.6-2 1.0.6-3 - 600
linum-relative* display relative line number in Emacs 0.6-2.1 0.6-3 - 25
load-relative-el* relative file load (within a multi-file Emacs package) 1.3.1-3 1.3.2-1 1.3.2-2 - 15
loop-el* friendly imperative loop structures for Emacs Lisp 1.3-2.1 1.3-3 - 36
lsp-java* Java LSP support for emacs - 0.20211124-2 0.20211124-3 - 23
lsp-mode* Emacs client/library for the Language Server Protocol 7.0.1-2 8.0.0-5 9.0.0-2 - 145
m-buffer-el* list-oriented, functional buffer manipulation 0.15-2.1 0.15-3 - 21
magit-popup* Use popup like Magit 2.13.2-1 2.13.3-2 - 211
mairix indexes and searches locally-stored email 0.24-2 - 140
makey* flexible context menu system 0.3-4 0.3-5 - 38
markdown-mode*[RFS] mode for editing Markdown-formatted text files in GNU Emacs 2.4-1 2.5-1 2.6-2 - 2149
meson-mode* Major mode for the Meson build system files 0.3-1 0.3-2 - 83
mocker-el* mocking framework for Emacs 0.5.0-1 0.5.0-2 - 16
modus-themes* set of accessible themes conforming with WCAG AAA accessibility standard 1.0.2-1 1.0.2-2 - 40
monokai-emacs* fruity color theme for Emacs 3.5.3-3 3.5.3-4 - 59
move-text-el* move current line or region up and down 2.0.8-2.1 2.0.10-1 2.0.10-2 - 33
mpv.el* control a mpv via its IPC interface from Emacs - 0.2.0-2 0.2.0-3 - 15
mutt-alias-el* Emacs package to lookup and insert expanded Mutt mail aliases 1.5-4 1.5-6 - 1702
muttrc-mode-el* Emacs major mode for editing muttrc 1.2.1-3 1.2.1-5 - 1732
org-appear* auto-toggle visibility of org mode elements - 0.3.0-2 0.3.0-3 - 21
org-bullets* show bullets in Org-mode as UTF-8 characters 0.2.4-3.1 0.2.4+git20200318.767f55f-2 - 71
org-caldav avatarorg-caldav* Caldav sync for Emacs Orgmode - 3.0+git20230924.1bbce67-2 - 8
org-drill* emacs org-mode contrib for self-testing using spaced repetition 2.7.0+20200412+dfsg1-2 2.7.0+20200412+dfsg1-3 - 176
org-present avatarorg-present* minimalist presentation tool for Emacs org-mode - 0.1+git20220109.c0f1f36-2 0.1+git20220109.c0f1f36-3 - 29
org-tree-slide avatarorg-tree-slide* presentation tool for org-mode - 2.8.16+git20201215.d6e8e91-2 2.8.16+git20201215.d6e8e91-3 - 29
ox-texinfo-plus* Extensions for Org's Texinfo exporter 2.2.4-2 2.3.2-1 2.3.2-2 - 17
page-break-lines-el* Emacs mode to display ugly ^L page breaks as tidy horizontal lines - 0.14-2 0.14-3 - 34
parent-mode-el* get major mode's parent modes 2.3-5 2.3.1-2 - 34
pcre2el* Emacs mode to convert between PCRE, Emacs and rx regexp syntax 1.8-4 1.8+git20221018.0a0802b-2 1.12-2 - 47
persist-el* persist variables between Emacs Sessions 0.4+dfsg-2 0.5+dfsg-1 0.6.1+dfsg-2 - 192
pfuture-el* set of functions wrapping Emacs' process creation capabilities - 1.9-2 1.9-3 - 88
pip-requirements-el* major mode for editing pip requirements files 0.5-3 0.5-4 - 69
pos-tip* Show tooltip at point 0.4.6+git20191227-2 0.4.6+git20191227-3 - 79
projectile* project interaction library for Emacs 2.1.0-1 2.7.0-2 2.8.0-2 - 121
py-autopep8-el* use autopep8 to beautify a Python buffer 2016.1-3 2016.1-4 - 60
py-isort-el* use isort to sort the imports in a Python buffer 2016.1-5 2016.1-6 - 35
pyim-el* Chinese input method support quanpin, shuangpin, wubi, cangjie and rime - 5.3.0-1 5.3.4-2 - 12
python-pgpy OpenPGP (Pretty Good Privacy) RFC 4880 implementation in Python 3 0.5.3-3 0.6.0-1 0.6.0-1.4 - 108
pyvenv-el* Python virtual environment interface 1.21+git20201124.37e7cb1-1 1.21+git20211014.31ea715-2 - 107
qml-mode* Emacs major mode for editing QT Declarative (QML) code 0.4-4 0.4-5 - 75
queue-el* queue data structure for Emacs Lisp 0.2-3 0.2-4 0.2-5 - 67
rainbow-delimiters* Emacs mode to colour-code delimiters according to their depth 2.1.3-5 2.1.5-3 2.1.5+git20230830.1.f40ece5-2 - 88
rainbow-identifiers-el* highlight identifiers according to their names 0.2.2-5 0.2.2-6 - 42
rainbow-mode* colorize color names in buffers 1.0.5-1 1.0.6-1 1.0.6-2 - 54
recursive-narrow* narrow-to-region that operates recursively 20140811.1546+git20190306.5e3e206-1 20140811.1546+git20190306.5e3e206-2 - 24
restart-emacs* restart emacs from within emacs 0.1.1-4 0.1.1-5 - 31
rich-minority* clean-up and beautify the list of minor-modes in Emacs' mode-line 1.0.3-2 1.0.3-3 1.0.3-4 - 71
rtags* C/C++ client/server indexer with integration for Emacs 2.38-3 2.38-7 2.38-12 - 49
smart-mode-line* powerful and beautiful mode-line for Emacs 2.13-2 2.14-1 2.14-2 - 66
smex* M-x interface for Emacs with Ido-style fuzzy matching 3.0-6 3.0-7 3.0-8 - 75
sml-mode* Transition package, sml-mode to elpa-sml-mode 6.10-1 6.10-2 - 93
solarized-emacs* port of Solarized theme to Emacs 1.3.1-1 2.0.0-1 2.0.4-2 - 76
spinner-el* spinner for the Emacs modeline for operations in progress 1.7.3-3 1.7.4-2 1.7.4-3 - 174
srv-el* RFC2782 (SRV record) client for emacs - 0.2-2 0.2-3 - 38
suggest-el* discover Emacs Lisp functions based on examples 0.7-3 0.7-4 - 28
super-save-el* auto-save buffers, based on your activity 0.3.0-3 0.4.0-2 - 22
sxiv-el* run the sxiv image viewer 0.3.3-1 0.3.3-2 - 14
system-packages-el* functions to manage system packages 1.0.11-2 1.0.13-2 - 36
systemd-el* major mode for editing systemd units 1.6-2.1 1.6-3 - 138
tabbar-el* Emacs minor mode that displays a tab bar at the top 2.2-4 2.2-5 2.2-6 - 1706
transmission-el* Emacs interface to a Transmission session 0.12.2-1 0.12.2-2 - 24
treemacs* tree layout file explorer for Emacs - 2.8-2 3.1-2 - 86
treepy-el* Generic tree traversal tools 0.1.2-1 0.1.2-2 0.1.2-3 - 218
unclutter-xfixes hide the X mouse cursor after a period of inactivity, using XFixes 1.5-3
1.6-1 - 92
undercover-el* test coverage library for Emacs Lisp 0.8.0-1 0.8.1-1 0.8.1-2 - 14
use-package* configuration macro for simplifying your .emacs 2.4.1-1 2.4.4-1 2.4.4-2 - 144
vala-mode-el* Transition Package, vala-mode-el to elpa-vala-mode 0.1-8 0.1-9 - 55
verilog-mode* emacs mode for Verilog code - 20161124.fd230e6-2 - 10
vimish-fold* fold text in GNU Emacs like in Vim 0.2.3-5 0.2.3-6 - 27
virtualenvwrapper-el* featureful virtualenv tool for Emacs 0.2.0-2 0.2.0-3 - 34
visual-fill-column* Emacs mode that wraps visual-line-mode buffers at fill-column 2.3-1 2.4-1 2.4-2 - 51
wc-mode* display a word count in the Emacs modeline 1.4-1 1.4-2 - 50
weechat-el* Chat via WeeChat's relay protocol in Emacs. 0.5.0-5 0.5.0-6 - 20
with-simulated-input-el* macro to simulate user input non-interactively 2.4+git20200216.29173588-1 3.0-1 3.0-2 - 13
writeroom-mode* distraction-free writing for Emacs - 3.11-2 3.11-3 - 21
xcite* Transition Package, xcite to elpa-xcite 1.60-7 1.60-8 - 19
xcscope-el* Transition Package, xcscope-el to elpa-xcscope 1.5-1.1 1.5-2 - 88
xen avatarxen* Xenstore command line utilities for Xen 4.14.6-1
p-u-new: 4.17.5+23-ga4e5191dc0-2
4.19.1-1 4.20.0~rc2+1-gfcde5e0de8-1~exp1 18425
xml-rpc-el* Emacs Lisp XML-RPC client 1.6.12-4 1.6.16-1 1.6.17-2 - 40
yaml-mode* Emacs major mode for YAML files 0.0.15-1 0.0.15-2 0.0.16-2 - 654
yasnippet* transition Package, yasnippet to elpa-yasnippet 0.14.0+git20200603.5cbdbf0d-1 0.14.0+git20200603.5cbdbf0d-2 0.14.0+git20230912.76e1eee6-2 - 191
yasnippet-snippets* Andrea Crotti's official YASnippet snippets 0.23-1 1.0+28.gcd665c9-1 1.1+dfsg-2 - 178
zenburn-emacs* low contrast color theme for Emacs 2.6-3 2.7.0-2 2.8.0-2 - 65
ztree* text mode directory tree 1.0.5-4 1.0.6-1 1.0.6-2 - 37
zzz-to-char* fancy version of `zap-to-char' command 0.1.3-3 1.0.0-2 - 26

Given DM permissions (48)

Source Package Description Version Popcon
oldstable stable testing unstable exp
activities-el* Save/restore sets of windows, tabs/frames, and their buffers in Emacs - 0.7.2-1 - 8
bison-mode* Emacs major mode for editing lex, yacc, and bison grammars - 0.3-4 - 38
clojure-mode* Emacs major mode for Clojure code 5.10.0-3 - 5.19.0-1 - 55
company-mode* Modular in-buffer completion framework for Emacs 0.9.13-2 1.0.2-1 - 1646
dap-mode* DAP UI controls implemented using treemacs - 0.7-3 0.8-2 - 34
dash-el* modern list manipulation library for Emacs 2.17.0+dfsg-1 2.19.1+git20220608.1.0ac1ecf+dfsg-1 2.19.1+git20240510.1de9dcb+dfsg-1 - 1900
debian-el* Transition package, debian-el to elpa-debian-el 37.10 37.18 - 641
dh-make-elpa*[RFH] helper for creating Debian packages from ELPA packages 0.19.1 0.19.5 - 41
dpkg-dev-el* Transition package, dpkg-dev-el to elpa-dpkg-dev-el 37.9 37.18 - 477
el-mock-el* tiny mock and stub framework for Emacs Lisp 1.25.1-4 1.25.1+git20220625.6cfbc9d-4 - 16
elenv* Emacs Lisp Environment Detection Library - 0.1.0+git20231211.94cf71e-3 - 2
elpa-ligature* display typographical ligatures in major modes - 1+60+g5eb950a-1 1.0~git20231203.6ac1634-2 - 37
elpa-rust-mode* Major Emacs mode for editing Rust source code 0.4.0-2 1.0.6-1 - 249
elpa-subed* Emacs mode for editing subtitles while playing the corresponding video - 1.0.29-1 1.2.25-1 - 16
elpa-transient* Emacs key and popup interface for complex keybindings 0.3.7-1 0.8.4-1 - 563
emacs-addons-metapackages* All editing major modes for Emacs - 1.1 - 34
emacs-bazel-mode* Bazel support for GNU Emacs - 0.0~git20230919.769b30d-5 - 32
emacs-buttercup* behaviour-driven testing for Emacs Lisp packages 1.24-1 1.26-4 1.36-1 1.37-1 - 20
emacs-cfrs* Child-frame based read-string for Emacs - 1.6.0-4 - 35
emacs-cmake-mode* Emacs major mode for editing CMake sources - 3.25.1+ds-2 3.31.5+ds-1 - 169
emacs-corfu* Completion Overlay Region FUnction in Emacs - 1.7-1 - 16
emacs-corfu-terminal* Corfu popup on terminal - 0.7-4 - 3
emacs-dape* Debug Adapter Protocol for Emacs - 0.22.0-1 - 7
emacs-dart-mode* Major mode for editing Dart files - 1.0.7+git20240925.02e919c-1 1.0.7+git20250213.88b6683-1 - 33
emacs-jsonrpc* Emacs JSON-RPC library - 1.0.25-2 - 3
emacs-libvterm* fully-fledged terminal emulator inside GNU Emacs based on libvterm - module - 0.0.2+git20230217.3e5a9b7-1 0.0.2+git20241218.99c1f5e-1 0.0.2+git20250113.056ad74-1 - 90
emacs-llama* Compact syntax for short lambda - 0.6.0-2 - 44
emacs-lsp-docker* LSP Docker integration for lsp-mode - 1.0.0git20240806.ce291d0-1 1.0.0+git20250211.3b2d61d-1 - 8
emacs-lsp-ui* UI modules for lsp-mode 7.0.1-1 8.0.0-1 9.0.0-3 - 68
emacs-oauth2* OAuth 2.0 Authorization Protocol - 0.17-3 - 7
emacs-popon* Pop floating text on an Emacs window - 0.13-3 - 3
emacs-posframe* Emacs library to Pop a frame at point - 1.1.7-3 1.4.4-1 - 64
flycheck* modern on-the-fly syntax checking for Emacs 32~git.20200527.9c435db3-2 32~git.20200527.9c435db3-4 34.1-2 - 359
go-mode.el* Emacs mode for editing Go code 3:1.5.0-4 3:1.6.0-1 3:1.6.0+git20240630.602d73e-1 - 185
js2-mode* Emacs mode for editing Javascript programs (dummy package) 0~20201220-1 0.0~git20241205.e0c3028-2 - 144
lsp-mode* Emacs client/library for the Language Server Protocol 7.0.1-2 8.0.0-5 9.0.0-2 - 145
lsp-treemacs* treemacs integration for Emacs LSP - 0.4-3 0.5-1 - 47
lua-mode* Emacs major-mode for editing Lua programs 20201010-1 20210802-3 20221027+git20231023.d074e41-1 - 201
magit* Emacs interface for Git 2.99.0.git0957.ge8c7bd03-1 3.3.0-2 4.3.0-1 - 1582
mastodon-el* Emacs client for the Mastodon and Pleroma social networks - 1.0.0-2 1.1.9-2 1.1.10-1 - 34
muse-el* author and publish projects using Wiki-like markup 3.20+dfsg-6 3.20+dfsg-7 3.20+git20240209.8710add+dfsg2-1 - 97
nginx-mode* major mode for editing nginx config files - 1.1.9-2 1.1.10-1 - 62
ol-notmuch* Links to notmuch messages - 2.0.0-2 2.1.0-3 - 22
org-roam* non-hierarchical note-taking with Emacs Org-mode 1.2.3-2 2.2.2-1 2.2.2+git20250111.425d53d-1 - 83
racket-mode*[RFS] emacs support for editing and running racket code 20201227git0-3 20210916git0-2 20250205~git.d9e66c7-1 - 79
scala-mode-el* transitional dummy package, scala-mode-el to elpa-scala-mode 1:1.1.0-2 1:1.1.0-3 1:1.1.1~git20241231.661337d-2 - 84
tp-el* Utilities for transient menus that POST to an API - 0.7-1 - 12
with-editor* call program using Emacs as $EDITOR 3.0.2-1 3.0.5-1 3.4.3-1 - 1613

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Binary Package











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Updated: general information: Tue Feb 18 15:00:17 UTC 2025, projectb: Tue Feb 18 19:45:07 UTC 2025, bugs: Tue Feb 18 19:49:02 UTC 2025. Time needed to generate page: 0.10s
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